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Are JavaScript alerts accessible?
From: James Kennard
Date: Dec 24, 2009 6:09AM
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Quite a simple question - but I think I might get a rather verbose
Using Zoomtext and JAWS I noticed an issue with some Ajax on a web site.
The web site has a table, and above the table there is a text field and
an "add" button. You enter a number into the text field and press the
add button to add items to the table.
Using JAWS it was really unclear, that anythign had happened. Using
Zoomtext, unless you happened to have teh table visible on the screen,
it was also unclear.
I thought an obvious way to combat this would be to use a JS alert to
confirm that the entry has been added to the table. But I am unsure if
JS alerts are considered to be accessible. I've had a hunt around and
opinion looks to be a bit fuzzy.
If it makes any difference, the web site in question must have JS
enabled to work in the first instance.
Any thoughts?
thanks :)
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