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Re: Headings
From: Travis Roth
Date: Dec 24, 2009 12:00PM
- Next message: Pratik Patel: "Re: Headings"
- Previous message: Geof Collis: "Re: Headings"
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"When JAWS reads "headings", will it read ALL headings regardless of level,
or can I tell JAWS to read only the <h1> and not the lower levels. Or only
<h1> and <h2> but not lower levels?"
If just doing a say-all, JAWS will read everything.
If you use the quick letter navigation key h it will move from heading to
heading. This will move to the next heading in a document regardless of
You can use the numbers 1-9 to move to that level of heading, e.g., press 1
to move to the next heading 1. JAWS will not always skip over higher-level
headings when doing this. For example, if you have a document that has a H1,
H2, H3, H3, H3, H2, H3. And you press 3 to move among the H3 headings, JAWS
will not (usually) jump over the H2 to get to the last H3.
You can also press the quick navigation key s to move to similar elements.
So if currently focused on a H2, pressing s looks for the next H2. This does
seem to skip over higher-level headings unlike the discussion above.
However, I've not tested thoroughly between JAWS versions, and it seems to
me the skipping and not skipping rules change a bit from release to release.
This should be enough to get you started.
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- Previous message: Geof Collis: "Re: Headings"
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