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Re: PDFs that read one word per line
From: ckrugman
Date: Jan 28, 2010 3:24AM
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How accessible is Open Office for Screen readers? I was under the impression
that there were significant accdessibility problems and therefore did not
try to use it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Freed" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
To: "WebAIM Discussion List" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] PDFs that read one word per line
> One further point about creating properly structured source documents
> using a word processor: use OpenOffice rather than Word. It overcomes
> the biggest obstacles with using Word to create PDF sources:
> 1. It works on both Mac and Windows
> 2. You can add alt to images on Mac (and Windows, of course), saving the
> time of doing it in Acrobat
> 3. You can completely tag data tables, saving the time of finishing them
> in Acrobat
> 4. The tags are always accurate
> 5. There are no plug-ins or add-ons to download
> Point #2 alone is worth the brief time it takes to download and install
> the software. It's also free: http://www.openoffice.org/ . I stopped
> using Word --> PDF over a year ago and have had few, if any problems.
> Geoff Freed
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