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Re: PDFs that read one word per line
From: Geof Collis
Date: Jan 29, 2010 1:30PM
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- Previous message: Monir ElRayes: "Re: PDFs that read one word per line"
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- Previous message in Thread: Monir ElRayes: "Re: PDFs that read one word per line"
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Hi Monir
Thanks, now my head is starting to hurt. LOL
What is the price tag for something like that?
At 03:23 PM 1/29/2010, you wrote:
>ComnmonLook is a software tool that works with Acrobat Standard or Pro and
>presents the PDF structure in a visual, easy-to-manipulate format called the
>Logical Structure Editor. The idea is to hide the complexity of the PDF
>structure as much as possible from the remediator.
>Keep in mind that a PDF file consists of 3 independent "views": Physical
>(this is what gets displayed and printed), tags (this is what the screen
>reader process) and content (this is what the Reflow feature in Acrobat uses
>as well as what gets displayed by PDAs). As the 3 PDF views are independent,
>they can (and often do) get out of synch with each other (especially with
>some PDF generation tools). Putting them back in synch, and ensuring that
>there are sufficient and accurate structural elements to make the document
>accessible, can be beyond the skills of the average user.
>CommonLook hides the complexity of the PDF structure and also provides tools
>that make it possible to automatically correct many of the common
>accessibility issues in PDF (many are based on feedback from customers such
>as OPM, DHS and SSA) and deal with complex objects such as tables.
>CommonLook also methodically goes through the PDF document and ensures all
>the Section 508 standards are verified (either automatically or through
>operator intervention) and generates a compliance report. This is important
>because many people mistakenly assume that screen reader testing is
>sufficient (while Section 508 is intended to deal with many different types
>of disability).
>Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
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- Previous message in Thread: Monir ElRayes: "Re: PDFs that read one word per line"
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