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Re: Skip to navigation link
From: Jared Smith
Date: Feb 16, 2010 8:21AM
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On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 2:27 AM, David Biňovec < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Or I am totally wrong with putting navigation links to the bottom of the html code?
I wouldn't say that it's wrong, but it is very unconventional and can
cause problems. Screen reader users are used to hearing navigation
near the beginning, just like sighted users are used to seeing it near
the top of the page.
Consider your home page. Most content is not found on a home page.
Instead, users come to a home page to find a link or search
functionality that will get them closer to that content. If the main
navigation is at the end of the page, they may give up trying to find
it well before they get to it.
Also, those with vision who use a keyboard may become confused if the
navigation order jumps all over as they tab through the page.
In general, I'd recommend having the code/navigation order match the
visual order in almost all cases. In your case, because you're using
CSS positioning, this should be an easy fix - just rearrange the code
Jared Smith
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