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Screen readers and nested tables
From: Birkir Gunnarsson
Date: Feb 17, 2010 8:54PM
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Hi list
I am brushing up on my html and WCAG knowledge and came across a table with
nested elements inside, another table and a list.
I presume this is not a very common occurance and probably not practical,
since I have to assume this looks pretty weird to a sighted person (I am
blind). However I notice that my Jaws (version 8) does not recognize the
outermost table, even if the <table> attribute is used in it, it only sees
the nested table.
If anyone can explain why, or if this is a problem, or it could be coded
differently so that screen readers recognize the outermost table as a table,
or can tell me this is never used and not a case I need to ever consider I
would very much appreciate it.
The link to the example is
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- Next message in Thread: Don Mauck: "Re: Screen readers and nested tables"
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