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Re: hovers and screenreaders
From: Mills, Teresa
Date: Feb 27, 2010 1:57PM
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At least up to version 10 of JAWs (not sure about 11) you either have to choose to read links by the text of link or by title attribute--you can not do both at the same time. This is something that I have turned into Freedom for improvement since version 6.2 with real world examples, but have not seen a feature implement where you can read both the link and the title attribute. For example, Having the ability to read title attributes might be helpful on news type sites where we have lots of <more> links. Thus, title attributes are not very helpful for JAWS users unless on forms. For some reason, you can read a title attribute on a form or even set JAWs where it will read the label and title attribute if different.
Window Eyes has a keystroke that reads title attributes, so you may be able to read both in Window-Eyes, but need to test for verification. Can anyone confirm?
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