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From: Geof Collis
Date: Mar 2, 2010 12:51PM

One of the Validators I use says it is 150 characters and gives an
error if it is over.



At 01:11 PM 3/2/2010, you wrote:
>At 09:51 AM 3/2/2010, Simius Puer wrote:
> >Yes, I was quite disappointed to see WCAG 2.0 failing to include limits or
> >even guidance on the length, either in the guidelines or the tech.
> >
> >And Patrick, the 125 was a limit in older versions of Jaws but I don't think
> >it is now. The figure of 125 chars didn't come from there...I remember
> >reading something about this a few years back. It was not W3C/WCAG but it
> >was most certainly accessibility orientated...and as Jared says, there
> >really needs to be some common sense regarding the method used.
>These days I think we can all agree on 140 chars as the standard unit
>of measurement to determine when the Too-Much-Data Point has been reached.
>So ALT text should be no more than 1 tweet in length.
>LOL, as they say ...
>A Different Patrick
>Patrick J. Burke
>UCLA Disabilities &
>Computing Program
>Phone: 310 206-6004
>E-mail: burke <at> ucla. edu