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Re: avoiding tabbing through drop downs


From: Geof Collis
Date: Mar 5, 2010 5:33PM

It seems to me this is 2 tier accessibility.



At 06:18 PM 3/5/2010, you wrote:
>On Fri, 5 Mar 2010, Jared Smith wrote:
> > The main navigation item would trigger the display of the sub-menu
> > items with onmouseover only. ...
> > The main menu item would also be a standard, accessible link to a
> > secondary page that provides the sub-navigation links in standard
> > HTML,
>Not to reignite the argument that happened the last time this
>topic came up, but I just wanted to state that this is not a
>universally accepted idea. In the open source project I
>contribute to, the consensus among keyboard and screen reader
>users is that ARIA-enabled menus are far more usable for us than
>secondary page links alone. Which solution is right for your user
>community depends on knowing the use patterns of your user