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Re: web study on accessible wayfinding, please participate!


From: J. B-Vincent
Date: Mar 22, 2010 4:06PM

Geof: The purpose of the study is to get examples of how (sighted) people provide directions. But I agree, it would have been more valuable if blind individuals could have provided input as well.

--- On Mon, 3/22/10, Geof Collis < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

From: Geof Collis < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] web study on accessible wayfinding, please participate!
To: "WebAIM Discussion List" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Date: Monday, March 22, 2010, 1:59 PM

Which begs the question why not? Dont blind people need wayfinding?

At 04:51 PM 3/22/2010, you wrote:
>I participated this morning. It definitely requires being able to
>look at several images, so it would not be screen-reader friendly.
>There are also various objects distinguished only by color, so some
>people with color blindness might not be able to complete it either.
>That said, it's an interesting exercise and pretty fast to go through.
>--Jane Vincent, Center for Accessible Technology
>--- On Mon, 3/22/10, Carin Headrick < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>From: Carin Headrick < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
>Subject: Re: [WebAIM] web study on accessible wayfinding, please participate!
>To: "WebAIM Discussion List" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
>Date: Monday, March 22, 2010, 1:29 PM
>Hmmm. Will a blind person be able to participate? It talks about
>maps and arrows.
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 6:03 AM
>Subject: [WebAIM] web study on accessible wayfinding, please participate!
>Dear All,
>The DiaSpace project in Bremen is running a quick (15 minute) online
>web study into how people give route instructions in dialogue. The
>goal is that our findings will help us develop more responsive
>wayfinding systems so that people who can't manually control their
>wheelchairs can interact via dialogue instead. Another application
>which we're working on is about helping elderly people find objects in
>their home by describing where they are in an understandable way.
>Please participate, and just as important, please forward this email
>on to your friends! We're really having a hard time getting enough
>participants who are native English speakers, as DiaSpace is based in
>Germany. The only conditions for participation are that participants
>be native or very fluent speakers of English and 18 years old or
>older. Here's the link to the experiment:
>The experiment only takes 15 minutes, and if you're using Windows
>Vista, you'll need to run it on Firefox, as it won't work on Internet
>Explorer for Vista. (It works on Internet Explorer for other operating
>systems than Vista though.)
>Thanks very much for your help, and please feel free to send any
>questions about this experiment or research to;
>Dr Kavita Thomas
>the DiaSpace project:
>University of Bremen