WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: Forms as lists


From: Steve Green
Date: Sep 2, 2010 8:23PM

If your client commissions you to produce a standards-compliant website, you
don't need to worry about how screen readers or any other ATs work. You
don't need to do any browser compatibility testing either. It's anyone's
guess how accessible the resulting website will be.

If your client commissions you to produce an accessible website, you do need
to take into consideration how screen readers and other ATs work. The user
experience is what counts, especially if you are in the UK where the DDA
refers solely to 'actual outcomes' and not at all to standards-compliance.

With regard to fieldsets, I would only use them if two or more are needed. I
don't see any value in using a single fieldset - it is merely duplicating
what the <form> element is already doing.

Steve Green
Test Partners Ltd