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Form elements without Form Tags using title attributes?
From: Susan Grossman
Date: Sep 9, 2010 11:38AM
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Please pardon if this is a duplicate, but it hasn't shown up for me in over
4 hours, so decided to try again.
I have a validation point that I need to pass, I know that because a
validator says so it doesn't mean it's the best thing to do, but in this
case, I have a corporate requirement for something that's going to work with
US Federal agency and have been told it needs to pass this validator.
Development is using drop down menus and check boxes to change display
choices. These are scripted correctly and accessible by tabbing. Since they
put in ID's and labels with For attributes, they needed to add in a form
tag. Once they added a Form tag, it requiring some type of form submit, and
there's no submission on this page.
Can the form tag be omitted and Labels with For attributes removed and
changed to title attributes in the select and check box inputs? It's seems
to sound alright in Readers (NVDA & JAWS in regular mode), but I'm not a
power user and don't want to miss "consequences". It is usable with just a
keyboard and passes HTML validation. But is it really accessible and a valid
Thanks for any pointers
*Susan R. Grossman*
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- Next message in Thread: E.J. Zufelt: "Re: Form elements without Form Tags using title attributes?"
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