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Re: AT problems after upgrading to Microsoft Office 2010?


From: Michael.Moore
Date: Oct 28, 2010 7:03AM

Hi Marc,

At our agency we have over 200 AT users (Dragon, ZoomText, JFW, Dux, and Kurzweil). We use the following process to evaluate new software and for compatibility in our environment. This process may be helpful to you depending upon what resources you have available to you.

Information resources installs and test the software for compatibility with the operating system, network and related security software and systems.

The accessibility team installs the software and tests core functionality, the features and functionality that our users must have to do their jobs with keyboard, JFW, ZoomText and Dragon. (Dux and Kurzweil are file conversion tools so we evaluate that software separately).

We recruit a group of volunteers who depend upon the AT to do their jobs for a user evaluation. We usually conduct a user evaluation for about a month letting them do their jobs with the new software and work with them to troubleshoot any problems or identify any compatibility problems.

The results of the tests are used as part of the IT governance process to determine if and when the new software will be deployed. Training for AT users that covers how to use the new software with specific AT is frequently part of the roll out plan. This was critical when we moved from office 2003 to 2007 and will probably be needed again when we move from WinXP to Win7.

Note, Duxbury still requires that MS Word files be saved in a .doc format for brailling.

Mike Moore