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Tutorials on Dreamweaver and blind users
From: Keith (mteye)
Date: Jan 20, 2011 2:00PM
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Does anybody here know of an online tutorial to help a blind person learn
how to write html using Dreamweaver?
I've found plenty on line that are full of point and click technology. The
Dreamweaver help file is chock full of good info, but again is geared to
point and click, and using inspector frames.
What's the secret for someone who's hand to eye coordination is broke? Is
there a way to access that darned inspector screen? What are some work
arounds in the menu system for finding a real dialog box to input
Is it just me, or is it normal for text to suddenly disappear in the design
view with no apparent explanation?
I've also noticed a weird quirk where my closing tags that I include in the
code view somehow get entered redundantly, sort of.
For example:
<p>Paragraph goes here.</p>
Comes out as:
<p>Paragraph goes here.</p> p>
Hmm... maybe I'm just hacking away too fast and don't notice an auto close
on the tag, but I wish it wouldn't do that.
BTW. Hi Andrew. Thought I'd let you off the hook from my annoying questions.
Just for some background: I've been playing with html since 1999, mostly
with notepad, or some other basic text editors. I just thought I'd try to
expand my knowledge, and try to automate things with Dreamweaver. A decent
product, but I'm just climbing the learning curve, and trying to figure out
the blind guy translations from mouse click to keyboard command.
best regards,
Keith H.
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