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table paging
From: adam solomon
Date: Jan 30, 2011 3:21AM
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What is the best way to implement a simple yet accessible paging. The two
standard ways I see all over the place are:
1. set of numbers, each one a link to that particular numbered page, with
arrow links to navigate to different sets of pages.
2. dropdownlist with all the pages, and a button next to it - choose the
page number and press go.
I personally prefer the second option - simple and to the point, and easier
to markp up correctly. Yet, I am worried about a situation where there are
many pages (500) and a keyboard user would have to navigate all the way down
with arrow keys. The truth is that this is a problem even in the numbering
paging - the user would have to suffer a number of postbacks before getting
to the correct set of pages.
Any thoughts?
adam solomon
linkedin <http://il.linkedin.com/pub/adam-solomon/24/449/a4>
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