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is there a service (for fee) that is able to convert inaccessible PDF's?
From: Alice Anderson
Date: Feb 20, 2011 10:51AM
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<please excuse cross posting>
Does anyone know of a service (for fee) that is capable of converting
inaccessible PDF's - those that are images, need reading order repair,
a service (for fee) that is capable of converting in a timely manner
quality accessible documents?
Alice Anderson
Division of Information Technology (DoIT)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1210 West Dayton Street (3124)
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: 608.262.2129
- Next message: steven: "Re: INFO: Disney lawsuit"
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- Next message in Thread: Patterson, David (ITD): "Re: is there a service (for fee) that is able to convert inaccessible PDF's?"
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