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Accessibility v/s Usability


From: Pooja Nahata
Date: Mar 11, 2011 1:57AM

*Scenario: *

1. IXD designs wireframe with filter options on a search results page –
as the user selects the required option and the page refreshes.

2. Ax Consultant reviews the wireframe and asks for a button after user
selects the filter options to comply with 3.2.2 of WCAG 2.0 AA.

3. IXD counters – that would be an additional click for the BAU user
.ie Business as Usual users and will hamper the user experience.

4. Ax Consultant – what about assistive technology user’s experience?
They don’t even get to review all the filter options as the page refreshes
with input and that’s poor users experience for them!

This is just one of many scenarios that I have mentioned. Have you come
across such situation? Whats your take on this?

Pooja Nahata
Hand Phone: +919820725102
LinkedIn: http://in.linkedin.com/in/poojanahata
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Pooja_Nahata