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Re: fyi: four accessibility events this May
From: Giovanni Duarte
Date: Mar 28, 2011 7:21AM
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- Next message in Thread: Jennison Mark Asuncion: "Re: fyi: four accessibility events this May"
- Previous message in Thread: Karen Sorensen: "Re: fyi: four accessibility events this May"
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This is good information. Are there any other events in the following
I am trying to find a good event that can provide good information for
higher education institutions. Everything from talking about managing web
accessibility in an institution to the level of how to make our courses
- Next message: Hoffman, Allen: "firefox v4 accessibility"
- Previous message: paniz alipour: "Pro Html5 programming and canvas"
- Next message in Thread: Jennison Mark Asuncion: "Re: fyi: four accessibility events this May"
- Previous message in Thread: Karen Sorensen: "Re: fyi: four accessibility events this May"
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