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Re: WAI ARIA - recommendations?
From: Jared Smith
Date: Apr 12, 2011 6:27AM
- Next message: Donald Evans: "Re: WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
- Previous message: Peter Krantz: "WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
- Next message in Thread: Donald Evans: "Re: WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
- Previous message in Thread: Peter Krantz: "WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
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Implementing ARIA can only make something more accessible. If you add
ARIA to an existing site or web application, it will be exactly as
accessible or inaccessible in browsers and AT that don't support it as
it was before ARIA was added. But in software that does support it, it
can be made much more accessible (if implemented correctly). And there
are some complex web apps that cannot be made accessible without ARIA.
Short answer... use it now!
Slightly longer answer... use standard HTML accessibility everywhere
you can, then use ARIA to enhance that accessibility or to make things
accessible where HTML accessibility isn't sufficient.
Jared Smith
- Next message: Donald Evans: "Re: WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
- Previous message: Peter Krantz: "WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
- Next message in Thread: Donald Evans: "Re: WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
- Previous message in Thread: Peter Krantz: "WAI ARIA - recommendations?"
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