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Accessibility team
From: Mark Guisinger
Date: Apr 26, 2011 10:54AM
- Next message: Ney André de Mello Zunino : "Doctypes: any implications on screen readers?"
- Previous message: Sailesh Panchang: "Re: Forms Question: Determining Proper Hierarchy of Information"
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So, we are in the process of creating a business case for creating an
accessibility team at my company. I'm hoping not to re-invent the wheel here
and was wondering if anyone could provide some information/links on where they
have their teams (Development, Business, User Experience, Security, etc.). How
and where they have integrated accessibility into their development process,
both agile and waterfall. If you like you can respond off list.
Thanks in advance for your advice,
- Next message: Ney André de Mello Zunino : "Doctypes: any implications on screen readers?"
- Previous message: Sailesh Panchang: "Re: Forms Question: Determining Proper Hierarchy of Information"
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