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Re: H1 to H4 titles sub titles....
From: Jeevan Reddy
Date: May 2, 2011 11:54PM
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Hi Nancy,
Find out wether that H4 is used for Content or template.
if it is used for template elements, it's not a big worry. if not, it'll be
a a problem for screen reader users.
Follow the below Standards for using H1-H6:
1 Use H1 or H2 For different sections in the content.
2 Use H3 or H4 as nested headings for different sections of content.
3 Don't skip the headings more than one order. That is if you used H2 then
use H3 or H4 as nested headings, not to use H5 or H6.
4 Follow the consistancy across the web site, you can use H1 as content
header, in other pages you can use H2 or at max H3, but not H4.
5 use H4, H5, and H6 for other than content sections. i.e for template
As your title suggests, it is not violation as per Section 508 is concerned,
but it is certainly a problem for screen reader users.
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Nancy Johnson < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi,
> We are producing a site and part of my job is to see if the htmls and
> frontend javascript jquery the design company provided is 508.
> The heading on one page goes from an H1 designation to an H4 designation,
> Will this be a problem for screen readers?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nancy
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