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Re: headings for links list


From: Hoffman, Allen
Date: May 17, 2011 12:21PM


In the most popular screen reader, links can be read based on screen
text, alt tag, and other attributes, or longest of the set. What
someone using a screen reader wants to know about each link is, "what
does this go to". The document description, or name is what the link
text should include, and then screen readers will read that. If there
are multiple formats on the same page, the solution is to just use a
consistent link order, e.g.

Document about topic #1 <link to word> <link to PDF> <link to other>.

Headers can be helpful for such lists, but on first pass there is no
perfect way to take a page layout in and figure it out without some
wasted effort.

It's kind of like asking visual readers how they rapidly assess
information--you'd get lots of answers for each person you ask.