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Re: Content in background images
From: Keith (mteye)
Date: May 24, 2011 9:12AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Andrews, David B B (DEED): "Re: Content in background images"
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... My question for you all: how big of a problem is this? I think it's
No problem for me, I'll shop somewhere else for a moving van.
There are images that ought to appear in the background, if they simply
provide a consitent theme from page to page. Sales or marketing copy would
seem to be pretty important if the company hopes to get their point across.
Though a picture may be worth a thousand words, it can be helpful for the
company to ensure the user actually understands the message. Using words is
the way to go. If the words are in the image, then taking time to ensure
those words are understood in simple formats, even at the risk of being
redundant, is the way to go. Saying it once, in one form, and hoping that
everybody interprets the message in the visual impact the same way is risky.
Just some observations.
Keith H
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- Next message in Thread: Jimmy Chandler: "Re: Content in background images"
- Previous message in Thread: Andrews, David B B (DEED): "Re: Content in background images"
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