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Re: Content in background images
From: Nancy Johnson
Date: May 24, 2011 1:51PM
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Getting back to the background images with text..... It's much faster
for the developer if the design and complicated... not an excuse but
I've seen this first hand....
I received some basic htmls for a government site recently First the
design was far to complicated for any website
There was a heading area where there was a set of 5 rules spanning
out from either side of the text and a complicated background behind
the rules.
When I called her on it, she simply broke the image in half and
brought the section with the text to an inline image and use alt.
I did redo the entire section... and made it work so the headings were
actually text...there were no links..yet it was heading text.
My point is that some developers see this as speed, don't understand
the implications..
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Tim Harshbarger
< <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> It's my understanding and my past experience that if you use high contrast mode on Windows, background images will be disabled in some of the browsers. In fact, I spent a whole weekend once trying to figure out how in the world sighted people knew a table was sortable before realizing that the visual indicators were CCSS background images. Until then, i was starting to think all the sighted folk had some sort of user interface mental telepathy--or just went around clicking on things to see what happens.
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- Previous message in Thread: Tim Harshbarger: "Re: Content in background images"
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