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Re: alternative to use of onChange in select menus
From: Michael.Moore
Date: Jun 9, 2011 10:09AM
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "Re: opinion on adding select list "name" as first option"
- Previous message: Angela French: "opinion on adding select list "name" as first option"
- Next message in Thread: ckrugman@sbcglobal.net: "Re: alternative to use of onChange in select menus"
- Previous message in Thread: Michael.Moore@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: alternative to use of onChange in select menus"
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I am simply saying that there is a difference between advocating for the use of best practices and arguing for standards compliance. When working with contracted vendors particularly, and even at times working with in-house development groups it does not help my cause to incorrectly couch a failure to follow best practices as a standards compliance issue. When we do our testing we list compliance issues and also recommend changes to meet best practice guidelines. We include the impact to the users in both cases. Sometimes we can get the best practices implemented in a later release and sometimes not. When we can get the contractor or in-house development team to agree to the best practices prior to development (and listed the requirements specifications) then we have much firmer ground to stand on when those best practices are not implemented.
Michael Moore
(512) 424-4159
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "Re: opinion on adding select list "name" as first option"
- Previous message: Angela French: "opinion on adding select list "name" as first option"
- Next message in Thread: ckrugman@sbcglobal.net: "Re: alternative to use of onChange in select menus"
- Previous message in Thread: Michael.Moore@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: alternative to use of onChange in select menus"
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