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Re: Locked PDFs
From: Karlen Communications
Date: Jun 20, 2011 8:48AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Michael.Moore@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: Locked PDFs"
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Agreed, and what I find is that sometimes document authors don't understand
the difference between locking up the document and providing access to
someone using adaptive technology. The document author has to manually
uncheck the check box to turn off access to adaptive technology. It should
be listed in the same place you found the copying and extracting turned
off... The text in the dialog reads: Document Accessibility and it is the
second item from the top of the list of security settings.
Cheers, Karen
- Next message: Bevi Chagnon | PubCom: "Re: Locked PDFs"
- Previous message: Michael.Moore@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: Locked PDFs"
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- Previous message in Thread: Michael.Moore@dars.state.tx.us: "Re: Locked PDFs"
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