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Accessible Modal Dialog Review
Date: Jun 22, 2011 11:09AM
- Next message: Donald Evans: "Re: Accessible Modal Dialog Review"
- Previous message: John E Brandt: "Re: tool to convert oral recording to text?"
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Hi everyone,
I've been working on an accessible modal dialog jQuery widget. I think
I've gotten it to the point where I'd like to get some feedback from the
community. I'd really appreciate any comments/suggestions/questions you
may have. When all is said and done, I'd like to truly turn this into a
full blown jQuery widget and make it available to the public.
Link to modal dialog:
Vincent Young
User Experience, Web Accessibility Specialist
Nationwide Corporate Marketing
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- Next message: Donald Evans: "Re: Accessible Modal Dialog Review"
- Previous message: John E Brandt: "Re: tool to convert oral recording to text?"
- Next message in Thread: Donald Evans: "Re: Accessible Modal Dialog Review"
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