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Re: accessibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screen reader users?)
From: Lucy Greco
Date: Jul 25, 2011 11:15AM
- Next message: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: accessibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screen reader users?)"
- Previous message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: accesssibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screenreader users?)"
- Next message in Thread: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: accessibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screen reader users?)"
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I have found that the more skilled the screen reader user the more they don't want the images spoken . My self if its decorative I say don't label them. But the beginner or intermediate user says don't leave me out label all the pictures so I know about them. It's a tuff call but its best to not have the images be important and then not to label them.
Lucy Greco
Assistive Technology Specialist
Disabled Student's Program UC Berkeley
(510) 643-7591
- Next message: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: accessibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screen reader users?)"
- Previous message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: accesssibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screenreader users?)"
- Next message in Thread: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: accessibility and compromises (was: Is this gallery accessible to screen reader users?)"
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