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Re: Best Online Survey Tool
From: Denis Boudreau
Date: Aug 1, 2011 8:48PM
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Good evening Jim,
Oh, I'm very sorry. I truly didn't know rubber stamping had a pejorative or negative connotation. I wish I could crawl under a rock right now.
My actual intention was really to point out that since it had been certified/validated as being Section508 compliant by Jim Thatcher, therefore, SurveyMonkey had to be good (even though I must admit this lack of h1 surprises me).
I now understand the term "rubber stamp" doesn't mean what I thought it meant. It's easy to blame this on the fact that english is only a second language to me, but still, I genuinely ask you to accept my most sincere apologies. This is not what I meant and I should have looked up the definition before using it. Rest assured that in no way did I mean any kind of disrespect.
As I told you in the email exchange we had last week, I have nothing but admiration for the outstanding work you brought to our field, a feeling that is certainly shared by the vast majority of us on this mailing list.
Again, I am truly sorry my limited english played tricks on me today and brought you some undeserved disrespect. I can only hope you understand and see this incident as what it actually is, a huge blunder from my part.
Best regards,
Denis Boudreau
Téléphone : +1 514.730.9168
Courriel : <EMAIL REMOVED>
On 2011-08-01, at 6:32 PM, Jim Thatcher wrote:
> Dennis,
> I am really disappointed that after our correspondence prompted by your
> negative tweets about Survey Monkey, now you refer to me "Rubber Stamping"
> Survey Monkey. Those surveys are accessible like none I have seen. And we
> all worked hard to make them usable with a screen reader. Some of the issues
> you raised are important and I told you I was contacting Survey Monkey about
> those. In particular the lack of focus indication in Firefox is a critical
> problem. I tend to live in IE where the focus indication is fine.
> Jim Thatcher
> http://jimthatcher.com
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