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Re: PDF/A accessibility
From: Duff Johnson
Date: Aug 9, 2011 2:15PM
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> Does anyone know if there are any particular accessibility limitations to
> PDF/A documents compared with standard PDF documents
There are none... unless you are relying on JavaScript to enhance accessibility in a PDF form, for example. (PDF/A prohibits JavaScript).
> , and/or if there are
> any special steps that should be taken to ensure PDF/A documents are
> accessible?
There are no "special" steps other than those steps required to make any PDF accessible (tagging). That said, a good workflow for accessible PDF/A documents would start with ensuring that you can readily convert the PDF to PDF/A before investing significant time/effort into tagging.
> The specific situation we're facing is converting fairly simple Word docs
> (no images, no tables, no multiple columns) to PDF/A, but any experience
> anyone has with this would be very helpful.
1) Ensure the files are properly structured prior to conversion (ie, focus on accessibility in the source document)
2) Convert to PDF using software that preserves that structure, converting it into tags in the PDF. Both Adobe Acrobat's "PDFMaker" plugin for Word (Windows) and Microsoft Office itself can do this.
3) Validate the tags, etc. per normal.
4) Convert to PDF/A once the file is otherwise finalized.
I hope this helps.
Duff Johnson
US Committee for ISO/DIS 14289 (PDF/UA), Chair
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