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Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers
From: Keith Parks
Date: Aug 12, 2011 5:39PM
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- Previous message: Chris Hoffman: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
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- Previous message in Thread: Chris Hoffman: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
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On Aug 12, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Chris Hoffman wrote:
> Mine, too, so I had to go to the link for context. This section of the ARIA spec is talking about how to determine alternative text for elements. Rule 2C says to calculate the alternative text by concatenating the text values of an element’s children, and this (confusingly written) note says that CSS-generated text content should be added into the mix.
So it would be a better practice to use CSS to add a visual separator (vertical line) rather than use CSS to add the vertical bar character?
Is that the take-away from this?
Keith Parks
Graphic Designer/Web Designer
Student Affairs Communications Services
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-7444
(619) 594-1046
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- Next message: John Foliot: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
- Previous message: Chris Hoffman: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
- Next message in Thread: John Foliot: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
- Previous message in Thread: Chris Hoffman: "Re: hide decorative characters from screen readers"
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