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Accessibility or Sectoin 508 compliance of Slideshare


From: Ritz, Courtney L. (GSFC-7500)
Date: Sep 1, 2011 11:06AM

Hi again,

Forgive me if this has already been discussed on the list at some point, I couldn't find reference to it.

An organization here has a very large number of PDF presentations they need to post on-line, which are not currently Section 508 compliant.
But they're wondering if Slideshare.net is compliant and if they could use it to post their presentations.
I have no previous experience with Slideshare.
I took a quick look at two presentations which are already on-line,

WAVE points out some missing form labels and some empty links. But I'm also not too convinced of the accessibility of the Flash objects myself. Beyond that, I found the first presentation to be a little easier to read than the second, except that JAWS gives me a lot of extra clutter.

So, I guess my questions are:
1. How accessible or Section 508 compliant is Slideshare known to be?
2. Is it easy to create an accessible or compliant presentation for it?
3. Or would it just be easier to stick with making the original PDF versions accessible / compliant and post those somewhere?

Thanks so much for your help, as usual.
