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Re: how screen readers navigate by headline
From: Karlen Communications
Date: Sep 2, 2011 4:57AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Will Grignon: "Re: how screen readers navigate by headline"
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I would add that heading levels are important to understanding how the
content is organized. There is nothing more frustrating than being on a web
page or opening a document and having everything at Heading 6 or H6 simply
because the document designer like the look of that heading level.
The new draft Section 508 that has been commented on...and for which we are
awaiting the next draft....has as part of its criteria that heading levels
in document be correct and hierarchical as part of the navigational
I think if you are advocating headings the heading level needs to be part of
For me there isn't a "more important" when looking at heading text or level;
both provide equal navigational information in a document.
Cheers, Karen
- Next message: Mary Stores: "Re: how screen readers navigate by headline"
- Previous message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "How to give a short accessibility improvement summary on a very complex and messy webpage"
- Next message in Thread: Mary Stores: "Re: how screen readers navigate by headline"
- Previous message in Thread: Will Grignon: "Re: how screen readers navigate by headline"
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