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Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label
From: Elle
Date: Sep 11, 2011 3:33PM
- Next message: Tim Harshbarger: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
- Previous message: Vincent Young: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
- Next message in Thread: Tim Harshbarger: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
- Previous message in Thread: Vincent Young: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
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I hadn't thought about populating the error message within the title
attribute, the same as what we currently do for the label. That would
definitely work, thank you!
- Next message: Tim Harshbarger: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
- Previous message: Vincent Young: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
- Next message in Thread: Tim Harshbarger: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
- Previous message in Thread: Vincent Young: "Re: Error Messaging with Forms: Associated Controls, One with Title Attribute, One with Label"
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