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Re: Need: accessible discussion group file sharing platform
From: Bourne, Sarah (ITD)
Date: Sep 13, 2011 7:33AM
- Next message: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "Re: Looking for organizations that perform W3C evaluations"
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- Next message in Thread: ckrugman@sbcglobal.net: "Re: Need: accessible discussion group file sharing platform"
- Previous message in Thread: Lucy Greco: "Re: Need: accessible discussion group file sharing platform"
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Jim, have you looked at Yahoo Groups? Yahoo has done great accessibility work with their email; I haven't evaluated Groups, but it does allow attachments, so it might be worthwhile to check out.
Sarah E. Bourne
Director of Assistive Technology &
Mass.Gov Chief Technology Strategist
Information Technology Division
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 Ashburton Pl. rm 1601 Boston MA 02108
617-626-4502 fax 617-626-4516
- Next message: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "Re: Looking for organizations that perform W3C evaluations"
- Previous message: Akhilesh Malani: "Re: Looking for organizations that perform W3C evaluations"
- Next message in Thread: ckrugman@sbcglobal.net: "Re: Need: accessible discussion group file sharing platform"
- Previous message in Thread: Lucy Greco: "Re: Need: accessible discussion group file sharing platform"
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