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Re: Accessible flow charts or diagrams
From: Duff Johnson
Date: Sep 15, 2011 1:51PM
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Thanks, Allen.
One clarification I should offer. As Karen McCall (my own personal fact-checker) pointed out to me offlist, many applications will output a single image to PDF for the entire chart instead of doing the job right with discrete text and graphics.
In such cases, PDF is no improvement over image + alt. text because there's only one object to tag.
Thanks for stating the conceptual objective in your preferred terms - I will mull on this for PDF 2.0.
On Sep 15, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Hoffman, Allen wrote:
> I think you make valid points here.
> Conceptually for me as a screen reader user, I would like to be able to
> follow flow charts in an arrow fashion with each step having associated
> attributes. Kind of like navigating a table structure, but each cell
> contains content and attributes--such as condition and branch point
> options. I believe some kind of Excel spreadsheet could be created with
> this concept in mind, but PDF does lend itself to much of this thinking
> and would definitely lower the coding level for keeping visual
> appearance separated from the tagging portions. I have not seen
> successful examples of either of these methods to date, but feel either
> method may work for some situations if sufficient planning were done
> upfront. for org charts, a dropdown box with levels would also work.
- Next message: Will Grignon: "Re: "Skip to content" links, visibility and keyboard users without screen readers, to hide or not to hide?"
- Previous message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: "Skip to content" links, vissibility and keyboard users without screen readers, to hide or not to hide?"
- Next message in Thread: Giovanni Duarte: "Re: Accessible flow charts or diagrams"
- Previous message in Thread: Hoffman, Allen: "Re: Accessible flow charts or diagrams"
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