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Re: creation of Accessible PDF documents
From: Christophe Strobbe
Date: Sep 22, 2011 11:27AM
- Next message: Vincent Young: "Re: Table Header/Footer/Body Placement and Reading Order"
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- Next message in Thread: Eric Scheibler: "Re: creation of Accessible PDF documents"
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Hi Andrew,
At 16:14 22-9-2011, Andrew Kirkpatrick wrote:
>I don't know how to fix these issues in Open Office. Is this
>possible or am I forced to use Adobe Acrobat after exporting to fix that?
>AWK: You might want to log a bug on open office to fix this issue in
>their output, but until they fix that you may need a commercial tool
>since I'm not aware of any free tool that handles this.
This bug has already been reported two time:
* <http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=102960>: "Support
for document Tab order when exporting to PDF" (June 2009)
* <http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=116665>: "tab order
inconsistent with structure order in tagged PDF" (January 2011).
One of the OpenOffice contributors asked: "What is the concrete
accessibility problem while using [a document where 'tab order may be
inconsistent with the structure order']?" And he/she added: "Actually
I don't really understand what this Error means as long as the
document can be traveled consistently with tab..." If this cannot be
clearly communicated, I have little hope that developers will get
motivated to fix the issue. (Same with LibreOffice, where this bug
has not been logged yet.)
Best regards,
Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
Twitter: @RabelaisA11y
Open source for accessibility: results from the AEGIS project
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- Next message: Vincent Young: "Re: Table Header/Footer/Body Placement and Reading Order"
- Previous message: Sandy: "web anywhere and JAWS or NVDA"
- Next message in Thread: Eric Scheibler: "Re: creation of Accessible PDF documents"
- Previous message in Thread: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: creation of Accessible PDF documents"
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