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Re: accessible form plugin for WordPress
From: John E Brandt
Date: Oct 6, 2011 8:48AM
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- Previous message: Catherine Roy: "accessible form plugin for WordPress"
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I'm using this one as it is fairly accessible:
It does have a CAPTCHA but that can be turned off. There is a lot of
flexibility/customizability which is done in the settings. The coding for
IDs for input boxes is a little sloppy and could be re-written to be more
user friendly. But at least it is coded.
John E. Brandt
Augusta, Maine, USA
- Next message: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "government suggestion app"
- Previous message: Catherine Roy: "accessible form plugin for WordPress"
- Next message in Thread: Nelson-Brooks, Carolyn: "Re: accessible form plugin for WordPress"
- Previous message in Thread: Catherine Roy: "accessible form plugin for WordPress"
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