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Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources --
From: catherine
Date: Oct 19, 2011 11:24AM
- Next message: Giovanni Duarte: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources --"
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- Previous message in Thread: Nancy Johnson: "mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources --"
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The following might be of interest to you :
http://snow.idrc.ocad.ca/node/149 (check out the link to the Mobile
Accessibility website in particular)
Also, Henny Swan has written an interesting article on guidelines for
accessibility on mobiles :
Best regards,
Catherine Roy
On 19/10/2011 1:07 PM, Nancy Johnson wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you point me to good resources to find out about accessibility and
> mobile technoloby.
> I understand that apple has worked with NSF for visual impaired users,
> but what about the Android? What about mobility impaired users, and
> hearing impaired users, and cognitive impairments such as dyslexia
> (naturally speaking)
> Please forgive if this has come up before as I have been under
> deadline and missed many threads recently.
> Thanks,
> Nancy
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- Previous message: Nancy Johnson: "mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources --"
- Next message in Thread: Giovanni Duarte: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources --"
- Previous message in Thread: Nancy Johnson: "mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources --"
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