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Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources
From: Jennison Mark Asuncion
Date: Oct 19, 2011 5:27PM
- Next message: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
- Previous message: Richards, Jan: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
- Next message in Thread: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
- Previous message in Thread: Richards, Jan: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
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Just thought I'd point folks who are LinkedIn members interested in this
subject area to the Mobile and Handheld Technology Accessibility Forum
LinkedIn Group
Jennison Mark Asuncion
Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network <www.adaptech.org>
LinkedIn at <www.linkedin.com/in/jennison>
- Next message: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
- Previous message: Richards, Jan: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
- Next message in Thread: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
- Previous message in Thread: Richards, Jan: "Re: mobile apps/ mobile websites and accessibility/ resources"
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