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Re: Images src has empty alt tag, but has a title, what to advise?
From: Priti
Date: Oct 26, 2011 3:03AM
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- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: Images src has empty alt tag, but has a title, what to advise?"
- Previous message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Images src has empty alt tag, but has a title, what to advise?"
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Hi Birkir,
If I understand the issue correctly, the best solution to advise here would
be to present the text link (heading text in your example) and image link as
one & provide an empty alt for the image and any screen reader would read
the textual link and repetition can be avoided to improve usability for
screen reader users. If some how this can not be done due to design
constraints, provide the same information as is specified in the title
attribute as well in the alt attribute to ensure that the link information
is descriptive even though repetitive.
Hope this helps.
Thanks & Regards,
Priti Rohra
Accessibility Consultant
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pritirohra
- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: Images src has empty alt tag, but has a title, what to advise?"
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- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: Images src has empty alt tag, but has a title, what to advise?"
- Previous message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Images src has empty alt tag, but has a title, what to advise?"
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