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Re: Converting word docx documents to PDF


From: David Farough
Date: Oct 28, 2011 2:57PM

Hi John:
This document was created using word 2003. I suspect that the
conversion to word 2007 was the problem. I am considering doing as you
suggest and remove the formatting and re-create the doc in 2007 format.
I believe that initially I tried converting to PDF using the Save as
method. with similar results. Since that time I have been using the
create PDF button in the Acrobat tab.

David Farough
Application Accessibility Coordinator/coordonateur de l'accessibilité
Information Technology Services Directorate /
Direction des services d'information technologiques
Public Service Commission / Commission de la fonction publique
Email / Courriel: <EMAIL REMOVED>
Tel. / Tél: (613) 992-2779

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