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Re: PDF files and marking up data tables for screen reader users


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Nov 3, 2011 7:54AM


Would you have a sample, properly makrd up table, PDF document for me
to test out?
Can you point to a specific website/chapter on marking up tables
accessibly with Acrobat Pro?
If not, I'll just point to your website ado.com/accessibility, or do
some digging around.
Thank you

On 11/3/11, Andrew Kirkpatrick < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Birkir,
> You can make tables in PDF documents include all of the expected table
> objects, it doesn't matter whether the document comes from Word, PowerPoint,
> other applications, or a scanner even. However, there is a difference in
> the ease of authoring. Powerpoint will give you table tags in the resulting
> PDF if the standard table object is used, but not headings, which you would
> need to apply after the pdf is produced. Word can give you the TH tags, but
> if you create a more complex table from word you may need to add the
> headers/id or scope information in that PDF.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Kirkpatrick
> Group Product Manager, Accessibility
> Adobe Systems
> http://twitter.com/awkawk
> http://blogs.adobe.com/accessibility