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Re: Browser version advice in accessibility statement


From: Elle
Date: Nov 4, 2011 11:24AM

Aaron, that's the most helpful list of recommended browser/AT combinations
that I've seen. Thank you!
While I do plan to modify it a bit according to our own browser support
levels, it really helps me in shaping what our internal corporate policy is
for AT support.

As a tangential question, do you think, then, that these scenarios are
something accessibility test labs need to have installed (ex. JAWS 7,8, and
9, for example)? Otherwise, it'd be difficult to ensure success. The
reason I ask is because AT licenses are not the same kind of cost
considerations as browser versions which are free. I have 4 computers, and
I am in the middle of requesting licenses for JAWS 11 and 12 (we already
have 10). If there are other versions that represent a better range of
use, that would be helpful to know. I tried to get this user statistics
information from Freedom Scientific, but they didn't want to give that to
