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Re: Browser version advice in accessibility statement
From: Aaron Leventhal
Date: Nov 6, 2011 9:30AM
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We definitely all need the compatibility list!
Also, as far as inconsistent implementations of ARIA and how it affects older users ... If ARIA is implemented well the user should not have any trouble, because on almost l cases the accessibility behavior should be what they are already accustomed to. The inconsistency really points to the need for the ARIA developer portal where proper ARIA techniques are discussed and documented. We need aria testing tools, and we need a community that is more involved. We need to Identify and document the techniques and issues or inconsistencies in key implementations, and get after developers to fix their bugs.
I believe this is all possible.
- Next message: Bryan Garaventa: "How to make a sortable listbox using aria-grabbed and other ARIA attributes"
- Previous message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Browser version advice in accessibility statement"
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