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Re: my first html5 site - did I understand the requirements?
From: Sandy
Date: Nov 8, 2011 3:33PM
- Next message: Vincent Young: "Re: using title attribute as form field label"
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- Previous message in Thread: Kevin Chao: "Re: my first html5 site - did I understand the requirements?"
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> Excellent! job! It works extremely well with Firefox 10 Nightly and
> NVDA 2012.1 Snapshot. Great use of ARIA landmarks, headings, labels
> for links, etc.
Kevin thanks so much! I am just delighted to hear this. I have been
reading up like crazy — I really wanted to get it right.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this.
- Next message: Vincent Young: "Re: using title attribute as form field label"
- Previous message: Jared Smith: "Re: Books for web accessibility"
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- Previous message in Thread: Kevin Chao: "Re: my first html5 site - did I understand the requirements?"
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