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Re: using title attribute as form field label


From: Kevin Chao
Date: Nov 9, 2011 12:15AM

Excellent job! Thanks! Works great on iPhone, iOS 5, Safari, and VoiceOver. It's great when swiping left/right to go to previous/next element, using web rotor>form field (SWIPING UP/DOWN for previous/next form field) and Apple wireless keyboard to TAB and SHIFT-TAB among form fields.

Label is read before edit box. When focused on form field, birthday, label, and edit box is spoken. VoiceOver properly sees the three edit boxes as being in an unordered list.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2011, at 1:02 AM, Vincent Young < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Kevin I would typically design my form so the label appears before the form
> field visually and in HTML. John's example has the label appearing after
> the form field (if I remember correctly) so I stuck to the design. Edited
> and put the labels first, but after taking a second look, reworked it. The
> date parts are in an unordered list and the forward slash is inserted with
> the "content" CSS style declaration (could've also done a background
> image). I think this example is my favorite.
> http://webhipster.com/testing/accessibility/birthday/index.html
> Mmmmm... clean.
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Kevin Chao < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> Hi Vincent,
>> This is working great with Firefox 10 Nightly and NVDA 2012.1 Snapshot in
>> that:
>> navigating through form fields with TAB, E, or F; NVDA is reading
>> "Birthday, (MM, DD, or YYYY), edit has auto complete"
>> However, from the top, using DOWN ARROW to navigate through the form:
>> Birthday
>> Edit has Autocomplete
>> MM
>> The label "MM" should come before "edit has autocomplete"
>> Kevin
>> On 11/8/11, Vincent Young < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>>> John your implementation is pretty sexy. Lots of different ways to go
>>> about this. I had some fun with it and came up with my own
>> implementation:
>>> http://webhipster.com/testing/accessibility/birthday/index.html
>>> <form role="form" action="">
>>> <div>
>>> <label id="birthday" for="month">Birthday</label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div>
>>> <input id="month" type="number" name="day" size="2"
>>> aria-labelledby="birthday mm" />
>>> <label id="mm" for="month"><abbr title="Two Digit
>>> Month">MM</abbr></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div>&nbsp;/&nbsp;</div>
>>> <div>
>>> <input id="day" type="number" name="day" size="2"
>>> aria-labelledby="birthday dd" />
>>> <label id="dd" for="day"><abbr title="Two Digit
>>> Day">DD</abbr></label>
>>> </div>
>>> <div>&nbsp;/&nbsp;</div>
>>> <div>
>>> <input id="year" type="number" name="year" size="4"
>>> aria-labelledby="birthday yyyy" />
>>> <label id="yyyy" for="year"><abbr title="Four Digit
>>> Year">YYYY</abbr></label>
>>> </div>
>>> </form>
>>> If any interest, happy to discuss.
>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Steve Faulkner
>>> < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
>>>> Hi Jared,
>>>> you wrote:
>>>>> There's nothing in HTML or accessibility specifications that tell AT
>>>>> to use the title attribute as a label replacement.
>>>> Besides what James has pointed out (ARIA implementation guide), it
>> should
>>>> be noted that there is no specification that tells user agents how many
>>>> HTML features should be mapped and/or interpreted by the accessibility
>>>> layer, thats what the HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation
>>>> Guide
>>>> http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-api-map/overview.html is starting to
>>>> document.
>>>> Note in the section titled accessible name and description calculation (
>>>> http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-api-map/overview.html#calc) the title
>>>> attribute is included in accessible name calculation. The main reason
>> for
>>>> this is that every browser maps the title attribute to the accessible
>> name
>>>> property in every accessibility API and have done so for many versions
>> ( i
>>>> would suggest for as long as they have had accessibility support).
>>>> For AT that use information exposed via an accessibility API, it is the
>>>> accessible name property they use regardless of whether the source of
>> the
>>>> name is from the label element, aria attribute, element content or title
>>>> attribute.
>>>> regards
>>>> Stevef
>>>> On 8 November 2011 15:56, Jared Smith < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>>>>> I have several concerns over the use of the title attribute value for
>>>>> labeling controls:
>>>>> - It shouldn't be used if a visible text label is present on the page.
>>>>> <label> should be used instead - it works in old browsers, and also
>>>>> provides enhanced mouse accessibility, primarily for users with motor
>>>>> disabilities.
>>>>> - As defined in the HTML spec, title attribute is for "advisory
>>>>> information". If a form field is inaccessible without the title
>>>>> attribute value, this sure sounds like more than "advisory
>>>>> information".
>>>>> - There's nothing in HTML or accessibility specifications that tell AT
>>>>> to use the title attribute as a label replacement. They just happen to
>>>>> do this on their own. This behavior is really no different than IE
>>>>> showing alt text in tooltips which everyone railed against as being a
>>>>> violation of the spec. It makes me uncomfortable relying on the
>>>>> non-standard quirks of screen readers for accessibility. As has been
>>>>> noted, different screen readers treat the presentation of title
>>>>> differently - and understandably so because a standard behavior is not
>>>>> documented anywhere because the attribute is not even intended to work
>>>>> this way.
>>>>> With all of this said, it works relatively well. It just makes me
>>>>> squirm a little bit. I tend to use off-screen <label> to ensure
>>>>> accessibility in these situations.
>>>>> Jared