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Re: Making minues Accessible
From: Vincent Young
Date: Nov 17, 2011 7:39AM
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "Re: Rich Text Box Controls with JAWS?"
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There's a couple different schools of thought in terms of keyboard
interactivity with a drop-down menu.
http://dev.aol.com/dhtml_style_guide#menu is a good place to start, but
IMHO applies more to application type menus. I would make sure each menu
item (which includes sub menu) is tab navigable and ensure there is a
visual keyboard focus indicator. When you hover over the sub menu items,
style changes. There is no style change on the primary sub items. Makes
sure there is and this happens on focus. That is, when you use :hover, use
:focus. For the JavaScript, start looking at how people are doing things
and make sure they are adhering to the DHTML style guide and possibly my
additional recommendation.
Places to start:
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:07 AM, McKeithan, Thomas < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
> Thanks. This is a tool to purchase. Is there some code that I can give her
> or strategy to change the Java script?
> Respectfully,
> Thomas Lee McKeithan II
> Accessibility Program Manager
> National Industries for the Blind
> 1310 Braddock Place
> Alexandria, VA 22314
> (703)310-0586 Direct
> (202)276-6437 Cell
> "Believing is achieving, for if I believe, I can and I will achieve."
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "Re: Rich Text Box Controls with JAWS?"
- Previous message: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: Making minues Accessible"
- Next message in Thread: Heidi Jungel: "Re: Making minues Accessible"
- Previous message in Thread: McKeithan, Thomas: "Re: Making minues Accessible"
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