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Re: EPUB 3 and accessibility for ebooks
From: Andrews, David B (DEED)
Date: Nov 22, 2011 2:00PM
- Next message: Kevin Chao: "Re: EPUB 3 and accessibility for ebooks"
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As I understand it, -- and I could be wrong, or at least slightly off, the DAISY standard and the ePub standard have been on a path to come together at some point in the future. As I understand it, there are now many similarities, and as I understand it, the plan is to have the ePub standard become the standard used by everybody to produce text-based e-books, and the current Z39-86 DAISY3 standard will primarily be used for audio-based e-books. Now quite sure how true multi-media books will be handled, but there is probably stuff in both versions that would allow it.
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