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Re: What is happening with the update of section 508?
From: Jared Smith
Date: Nov 28, 2011 8:09AM
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It was announced last week that a new draft set of guidelines and
notice would be published in the next week or so. There will then be
another round of feedback, changes, and several other steps in the
coming months and years. The Access Board's Tim Creagan said that we
should not expect the actual update to occur before Fall 2013.
In my opinion, continuing to focus on Section 508 is a waste of time.
It's antiquated, broken, confusing, and compliance with these
guidelines alone rarely results in very optimal accessibility. If you
are interested in true accessibility (something our government seems
not to be), you should be focusing on WCAG 2.0. Fortunately, very few
of our corporate clients even care about Section 508 any more. It's
rather embarrassing that our government is this slow in considering
the needs of people with disabilities.
Jared Smith
- Next message: Jennifer Sutton: "Make WordPress Accessibility"
- Previous message: Nancy Johnson: "What is happening with the update of section 508?"
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